
Radeon HD 6800 series is official


En fornøyd AMD-gjeng

Now the day arrived, the Radeon HD 6800 series is an official in the form of the Radeon HD 6870 and HD 6850. A large number of rumors are circulating in the time that has passed, and most who have come forward have been shown to vote. AMD has also been quick to leak information, so that the interest should be sustained.

Radeon HD 6800 series is produced for the gang who want HD 5800 performance at a lower price. One may well say that the HD 6800 series, the new middle class, and exactly what we think is confusing name policy. The performance of the HD 6870 is located close to HD 5870, when one goes from 5000-series to 6000 series, most people believe that you get something better in all that time both ends on 870 Thus, the HD 6900 series coming in November, one should wait if you want a better performance than is available today.

Nevertheless, without opinion is not HD 6800 series, absolutely not. The core has been redesigned so that it has become both physically smaller and more efficient so that the power requirement is reduced. Eric Demers, CTO GPU Division, could be told with great enthusiasm about the performance per square millimeter was now over 35 percent higher than the Radeon HD 5870, an absolutely exciting scale. Since this is the second generation of DirectX 11, AMD has also been given to a faster tess formal call, and improved both the AA and AF technologies underpinning. In addition, some

Performance forms as we see quite nicely just below the Radeon HD 5870, but well above the HD 5850. Price wise the HD 6870 be of 239 USD and the HD 6850 on 179 USD. Looking at it against the current price of the HD 5870 which is often well above 300 USD sees the not so bad out. We expect to see a lot more awards in the course of Friday.

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